Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Sense of Completion

Class is done. Thank goodness.

This has been one of the most challenging semesters I've had at Moody so far. The work load was just intense. I don't mind this much. I enjoy school and I really enjoy what I've been studying and learning, but it takes up a lot of time. I'd much rather cut out a little of the work and have a built in coffee date every week with my girls so I can keep up with how they're doing and have fellowship with them. This would be Melissa's ideal world :-) Guess you just have to make due with what you get.

This week the Lord conventiently brought in the rest of the support for Japan in time for me to ship it all off to Colorado. His timing is beautiful. Thanks to all of you have have prayed over this matter the last few months! I cannot even fully express my gratitude for you.

A lot of the Japan planning has been coming to a close. I have all my support and I believe Anna is close if not fully supported. The two of us met this week with our beloved TESOL prof, Mr. C, and he helped us draw out a game plan to teach from for the summer and even let us borrow some of his curriculum. What a guy! We're still unsure of Anna's location for the summer (the last we heard it seemed that there would be a chance that we'd be together, but we'll see) and we still don't have plane tickets yet. After all this gets set, we should be good to go! Just have to take some finals, get my roommate married, and then we're off!

I've been thankful for some extra babysitting time the last few weeks. This is summer is going to be my longest time away from the little man and I've been realizing how much I'm going to miss him! These are a few pictures from the last few days.

You've never seen a cuter Cambodian boy, have you?

1 comment:

  1. The little Cambodian boy is pretty cute...but John and I worked in an innercity ministry from Wheaton at a church that had the cutest Cambodian kids, Lao Hmong kids, Laotian kids, Vietnamese kids, Hispanic kids... but he is pretty cute and I know you will miss him!


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